As we grow older, it may be difficult to remember our daily routine, especially if there are medical conditions which impede this function. Aging and healing adults may be required to take medication regularly to assist their recovery and good health. However, it may be difficult to keep track of the dosage of medication daily, especially for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia who have difficulty remembering. Seniors with Alzheimer’s and Dementia are put on medication to prevent memory impairment and promote sleep to improve their mood. This long list of medications, along with additional medications that are prescribed in the future, can be difficult to manage. This medication management plays a very crucial role in the lives of seniors with medical conditions and ailments, also those with physical disabilities. Care Xpertz selects trained caregivers who are experienced to assist with monitoring and managing the different types of medications.

Our caregivers ensure that your loved one takes the correct medication dosage at the appropriate time of the day.

Our medication management services include:

  • Ensure that prescriptions are taken daily
  • Arranging the pill box to aid medication management.
  • Track daily medication intake

Under the law, our caregivers cannot give medications through the following forms:

  • Injections
  • Force feeding
  • IV therapy
  • Suppositories

Only a licensed nurse can perform the above duties. Our Care Xpertz representative can provide more information on this topic.


Meal Preparation

Balanced diet with proper nutrition is necessary for a healthy mind & body

Pick-up Assurance

Step-by-step program towards ensuring full & safe recovery in their home


Taking preventive measures, fighting infectious diseases with cleanliness


As we age, our social circles reduce due to restricted mobility or illness


Feel at ease as our Caregivers transport them to wherever they desire

Medical Reminders

Remembering our daily routine can be challenging, medical conditions vary

You Can Count On Us!

When you and your family finally decide that it is no longer secure or sustainable to manage the medication of your elderly parents or grandparents without professional assistance, you can come to us at Care Xpertz to capitalize on our comprehensive caregiver medication services in Anaheim Orange County CA.

Probably your dad is suffering from dementia and find it extremely difficult to remember his medications. Maybe you are the only caregiver in your family, and because of stringent schedule you couldn’t give them the necessary time and care to your elderly father or mother. In these scenarios, hiring our services of medication management would be the most loving and safest decision you can ever make.

Person-Centered, Thoughtful Approach

At Care Xpertz, we treat all of our clients as people, and not as some medical conditions. We have implemented a rigorous hiring procedure that enables us to screen every single candidate for compassion and experience. Our experts have painstakingly managed to build a fantastic team of kindhearted caregivers whose passion to offer you caregiving medication services in Anaheim Orange County CA is simply unmatchable. We always strive to fit our caregiving professionals to the preferences and personalities of our clients. Over time, we successfully develop deep relationships with your elderly loved ones that leave a long-lasting positive impact on their lives.

We’ve been there. We understand.

Everything we do is driven by our universal mission: to enhance the lives
of aging adults & their families.